


general Assembly

Board of Directors

Executive committee

general AssemblyMade up of all partners

President: AIMPE - D. Sebastián de la Rica Castedo

Board of Directors

President: AIMPE - D. Sebastián de la Rica Castedo

Vice President: DGT (Ministry of the Interior) - Mr. Jorge Ordás Alonso

Vice President: DGC (MITMA) - Ms. Rosario Cornejo Arribas

Vice President: Mr. Julio García Ramón (Partner in a personal capacity)

Director: SEOPAN - Mr. Bruno de la Fuente Bitaine

Director: CRTM - Mr. Luis Miguel Martínez Palencia

Director: SCT (Generalitat of Catalonia) - Mr. Vicente Gallego Muñoz

Director: Madrid City Council - Ms. Marta Alonso Anchuelo

Director: EMT of Madrid - Mr. Alfonso Sánchez Vicente

Director: LATT (ITS Andalucía) - Mr. José Ramón Pérez de Lama

Director: TEKIA - Mr. Francisco Palazón Rubio

Director: Mr. Jesús Díez de Ulzurrun Mosquera (Partner in a personal capacity)

Director: Mr. José Manuel Pradillo Pombo (Partner in a personal capacity)

Director: Mr. Antonio Rubio Fernández (Partner in a personal capacity)

Director: Mr. Manuel Romero Sierra (Partner in a personal capacity)

Director: Mr. Fidel Alario Arrillaga (Partner in a personal capacity)

Director: DGTT (Ministry of Public Works) - Mr. Lázaro Redondo Redondo

Director: DGOP (Generalitat Valenciana) - Mr. Salvador Llorenç

Counselor: INTRAS (University of Valencia) - Mr. Francisco Alonso Pla


Director: ETRA - Mr. Antonio García Matas

Director: ABERTIS - Mr. Carles Pitarque Durán

Director: ITÍNERE - Mr. Óscar Alcobendas

Director: GMV - Mr. Carlos González Bayod

Director: SICE - Mr. Antonio Pérez Hereza

Director: INDRA - Ms. Nuria Ciprés

Secretary: Mr. Jaime Huerta Gómez de Merodio (not a member of the CD)

Executive committee

President: AIMPE - D. Sebastián de la Rica Castedo

Vice President: DGT (Ministry of the Interior) - Mr. Jorge Ordás Alonso

Vice President: DGC (MITMA) - Ms. Rosario Cornejo Arribas

Vice President: Mr. Julio García Ramón (Partner in a personal capacity)

Director: SEOPAN - Mr. Bruno de la Fuente Bitaine

Director: CRTM - Mr. Luis Miguel Martínez Palencia

Director: SCT (Generalitat of Catalonia) - Mr. Vicente Gallego Muñoz

Director: KAPSCH TRAFFICCOM TRANSPORTATION - Mr. Juan Carlos González (Chairman of the Industrial Committee of ITS Spain)

Secretary: Mr. Jaime Huerta Gómez de Merodio (non-member of the EC)

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